70. the one with the patio

i wasn’t going to write about this yet. i wanted to wait until i could go:

“here is the before picture” (arrow to show vague patio-ular area)

and “TA-DAAA! here is the after picture”
< which would’ve gone here >
but alas, the only things that’re Completely Finished, are my lower back and shoulders.

so since i’m having an enforced rest day today, i will show a bunch of half arsed, half finished things instead.

back in 2007, before we’d even moved in here, we spent every weekend attempting to clear the extreme-overgrown garden.
the little patio area at the end of the kitchen (which, back then, was just a coal shed) ended up looking a bit like this.
good job, guys!

and then apart from mixing plaster there, mowing the crack weeds, dumping crap, tripping on uneven paving slabs and very, very occasional sitting, we ignored it.
until friday.

friday patio

look, here’s our old friend from last weekend, the lol-wall
lol wall

on saturday, we treated ourselves to a skip.
the only access to our garden is through the house, so to clear all of that concrete, we had to smash it up and carry it through the lounge *sad face* one heavy load at a time.

saturday patio

i say “we”, but i mean Husband, obviously. i tinkered around the edges, digging up root systems and destroying ant nests and updating my facebook, while he did all of the hefty smashing and all of the heavy lifting.

sunday was more my thing. after we’d levelled (well, kinda.. ) the ground and put down 364878647367 layers of weed suppressant, i got to start on the good stuff. laying edging pavers is actually a job i really enjoy (it’s probably an ocd thing).

diy pyjamas

why yes, i am wearing pyjama pants and a bra. it’s the comfiest outfit for crawling around on your knees whilst working in hot weather.
(of course, the proper grown up, perfumey lady from next door picked that moment to pop round and see how we were getting on, which was only mildly humiliating)

by sunday evening we’d got a fair bit done. it’s probably a good thing that we ran out of supplies or we would’ve just kept working…
saturday gravel

i really meant to take a day off yesterday, but it seemed a shame to waste good weather… so i accidently sanded the slime off the fence and gave that a couple of coats of paint (i got bored after 2 panels though). and then i accidently started painting the chairs (i got a dehydration migraine after half of one though).

and today i’m too hurty to move, so TA-DAAAA! i present just half of all of the things!
glorious is glorious

i really do need to get on and finish it though – it appears that my edging pavers have already passed their use-by date :/

expired brick

25 thoughts on “70. the one with the patio

  1. I love the half finished chair. A woman after my own heart – if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing impulsively and with great enthusiasm, but probably not all the way through.

      • Dunno, but my friend used to put Latin mottoes on his school rough notebooks. He put “Non titillandum draconis” & “Non desperandum illigitimus”. He didn’t put one about if a job’s worth doing (etc)… But I thing the others are cool.

  2. Fiona, your sense of humour has got me again… I didn’t even know you HAD a blog. Will now tune in and read more, as I enjoy your lightheardedness very much…. Hope your back feels better and you get back to those zombies soon.
    KR, Jennifer from Australia (your first real Aussie customer that you didn’t know) he he :)

    • thankyou jennifer from australia :)
      “once you’ve wiped away all of the tears and can breathe through your nose again you can laugh about it” as the old saying goes!

  3. Wow it is looking amazing, you guys have really been working hard. I really like your wall, especially that you were a rebel and didn’t use a level.

    But what is about no rear exit of English gardens? What were all the people doing running around in their underwear? So you had to have walls up and it all enclosed, just so the refine ladies couldn’t see you.

    I hope your back is better soon.

    • i think it’s because the olden day people were so dumb they even didn’t know cars would be invented in the future!
      although… i can only imagine how much worse it’d be carrying loads of bricks & gravel through the house if we’d had to go to buildbase by HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGE first!

  4. Have you noticed how pyjamas are now called “lounge wear” in places like M&S? Perhaps no one wears them for bed anymore…. which makes you bang on trend ;) (except you were most definitely not lounging!).

  5. have you thought that your chair is actually a creative alternative (aka upside down) take on the “dipped” style…..

  6. I love reading you posts and seeing your pics! Especially the ones of Anakin! Have I smelt that wrong?? I used to think I had to finish jobs I started or I had failed, now I know its ok to finish when I can, and not to make myself feel ill! :O)

    • you smelt it just right ;)

      you’re so right! …but this time i think i’d gone full failure circle with some of the incomplete jobs – i abandoned repointing a couple of walls 3 years ago and seeing them every day was a big shouty FAILURE reminder.
      finishing them actually gave me such a lift, which is what spurred me on to start this project. plus medication <– secret weapon
      the chairs can bloody wait though ;)

  7. I always love reading your posts because they make me laugh so much (with you, I should add, not AT you!). As some above have said, a women after my own heart, I am a half done job girl, sad to say, but one day it will all be done and you will be so chuffed. Hope your back recovers soon! Bethx

    • oh jeez – i’m just catching up with *your* latest post and now i’m so ashamed.
      high waisted jeans, you say? not elasticated pyjama pants? are you sure?

      • Ha! – ah but that’s my ‘posh weekend away’ outfit, in contrast to my daily ‘bag lady’ look. Believe me, there is a vast difference between my everyday look and me poshed up a bit. x

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